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Latin Beyond GCSE
Latin Beyond GCSE 評價
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Latin Beyond GCSE
The Princeton Review the Complete Book of Colleges 2015 ![]() |
International Student Handbook 2015 ![]() |
Latin Beyond GCSE covers all the linguistic requirements for the OCR AS and A Level in Latin. It aims to bring students to a point where they can tackle original Latin texts with confidence. Although designed as a continuation ofLatin to GCSE, it is self-contained and can be used independently.
This new edition is brought in line with the new OCR specifications and is supported with companion website resources including further practice passages and worksheets for students. The first part of the book introduces new constructions and the translation of sentences from English to Latin, with practice passages for unseen translation at AS standard. The next section introduces the translation and scansion of verse, and includes passages for unseen translation and comprehension at A-level standard in both prose and verse. This is followed by longer unadapted extracts from a range of authors. Finally there is a reference section including a summary of all constructions, a comprehensive grammar, and a vocabulary of 1000 Latin words (with an additional list of 250 common poetic words for verse passages).
- 作者: Taylor, John
- 原文出版社:Bloomsbury USA Academic
- 出版日期:2017/02/23
- 語言:英文
Latin Beyond GCSE